Querida tú a quien no conozco (2019)
Text Isabel Pin
Illustration Isabel Pin
Original language French (Chère toi que je ne connais pas)
Publishing house Lóguez
Edition 2019, Spanish
Size 15 x 20
Pages 32
Translator Ester Sebastián López
ISBN: 978-84-9492-579-5
- Spanish
Dear you, I invite you on Saturday afternoon at four o’clock to have a snack at my house. We don’t know each other, but the teacher says that you come from another country…
Through the words of a girl who writes to an immigrant girl who has just arrived in her class to invite her for a snack, the reading public discovers the background of refugees.
The description of the invitation, full of emotion and curiosity, continues throughout the book until the desired meeting, simply drawn.
Querida tú a quien no conozco (our translation: Dear you whom I don’t know) presents the life of an immigrant girl before the war, a life not so different from that of the girl who welcomes her today.