My Dad is a Bad Example (2020)
Text Aslı Tohumcu
Illustration Mavisu Demirağ
Original language Turkish (Benim Babam Kötü Örnek)
Publishing house Can Çocuk
Edition 2020, Turkish
Size 19.5x24
Pages 44
ISBN: 9789750746796
Available languages:
- Turkish
Available translation:
In this story, we look at the family through the eyes of the child and question the stereotypical roles within the family from the child’s perspective. The other men in the family always label my father as a «bad example.» One says he is an acrobat, another calls him a chameleon. Some belittle him because he is a great runner, while others because he can transform into a kitchen wizard. I know my father is not like the other fathers. But I don’t know where the evil lies in that.