Işık, Fairy of Sounds (2016)

Text Yota K. Alexandrou
Illustration Effie Lada
Original language Turkish
Publishing house Kuraldışı yayınları
Edition 2016, Turkish
Size 21 x 29
Pages 32
Translator Seda Kostik
ISBN: 9789752753419
Available languages:
- Turkish
Available translation:
Işık is a blind girl who lives in a world of only one color consisting of light, sounds and smells. She is sometimes a dancer, sometimes a little dolphin, sometimes a nymph, sometimes a magician. Nobody can play Körebe better than her, nobody can play the piano like her. Sounds, smells, and imagination are the keys to the shining world of the Işık. Is there a way to go to this world? In this story, we embark on a journey in the magical world of Işık?