Io parlo come un fiume (2020)

Text Jordan Scott
Illustration Sydney Smith
Original language English
Publishing house Orecchio Acerbo
Edition 2021, Italian
Premio Andersen 2022 miglior albo illustrato;
BGHB Picture Book Award 2021;
Schneider Family Book Award 2021;
A New York Times Best Children's Book of the Year 2020;
Nomination Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis 2022
Size 22,8 x 25,4
Pages 44
ISBN: 9788832070682
- Spanish
- Italian
- English
Spanish: Hablo como el río
English: I talk like a river
I talk like a river is an illustrated book that deals with the theme of diversity, disability and emotional management of the difficulties associated with non-acceptance by peers. The protagonist who is unable to speak ‘correctly’, as the others do and expect him to do, finds in the silence and the muttering of the river the possibility to relate and feel ‘heard’ and free to express himself.