In the Forest (1975)

Text Sophia Zarambouka
Illustration Sophia Zarambouka
Original language Greek
Publishing house Patakis Publications (2017), Kedros (1975)
Edition 2017, Greek
Awards or honours:
Honorary Distinction by the Hans Christian Andersen Book Award (1975)
Size 22.5x22
Pages 40
ISBN: 9789601677491
Available languages:
- English
- Greek
Available translation:
English: In the Forest
The awl is wise, she reads a lot, so she is elected as Prime Minister. She even persuaded the lion to become a vegetarian. Suddenly, the mouse and the bear see shadows and hear sounds in the night. The author of the book introduces the concepts of democracy and dictatorship, of environment, equality and communication. The book is diachronic and is still read 50 years after its first publication.