I cinque malfatti (2014)

Text Beatrice Alemagna
Illustration Beatrice Alemagna
Original language Italian
Publishing house Topipittori
Edition 2014, Italian
Awards or honours:
LiBeR magazine's Prize as best book - Italy 2015
First Prize of Salon du livre de Gaillac - France 2015
Size 22,5 x 32
Pages 40
ISBN: 9788898523061
Available languages:
- Spanish
- Italian
- English
Available translation:
Spanish: Los cinco desastres
English: The five misfits
The five misfits are strange types: one is all pierced; one is folded in two; another is all soft, always half asleep. Still another is upside down, while the fifth is wrong from head to toe. One day the arrival of a perfect creature challenges their being, but only for a while, because they are together and happy..