I Am Deaf (2011)
Text Jennifer Moore Mallinos
Illustration Marta Fabrega
Original language English (I Am Deaf)
Publishing house TÜBİTAK
Edition 2011, Turkish
Size 24x19
Pages 33
Translator Özden Hanoğlu
ISBN: 9789754036282
Available languages:
- Spanish
- Turkish
- English
Available translation:
Spanish: Soy Sorda
In this book, Lana talks about what it’s like to be deaf. She is 10 years old and unable to hear. She shares how she communicates with her teacher and friends at school. One day, while Lana is communicating using sign language with her deaf friends, she notices that some other children without hearing difficulties are watching them. In that moment, an idea comes to her mind, which will allow deaf children and other children to understand each other more easily from now on.