Federico (1967)
Text Leo Lionni
Illustration Leo Lionni
Original language English
Publishing house Babalibri
Edition 2005, Italian
Awards or honours:
Winner of Caldecott Honor Award (1968)
Size 22 x 27 cm
Pages 40
ISBN: 978-88-8362-120-8
Available languages:
- Spanish
- Italian
- Turkish
- Finnish
- English
- Greek
Available translation:
Spanish: Frederick
Greek: Φρέντερικ/ Frederick
Finnish: Frederik
English: Frederick
Federico is a different mouse from others, which is why he is not understood by his companions. «Isn’t Federico working?», they ask him, but he is a poet and is gathering words for the cold winter days; words that feed the soul as well as the body.
A tribute to diversity, art and poetry. To the contribution everyone makes in a different and unique way.