Esperando el amanecer (2022)

Text Fabiola Anchorena
Illustration Fabiola Anchorena
Publishing house Kalandraka
Edition 2022, Spanish
Winner of the XV Compostela Picture Book Award
National Publishing Award 2022 Children’s and Young People’s Books (Spain)
Size 28 x 20
Pages 40
ISBN: 978-84-1343-178-9
- Spanish
- Galician
- Catalan
- Basque
- Italian
Basque: Eguna argitzeko zain
Catalan: Esperant l’albada
Galician: Esperando o amencer
Italian: Aspettando l’alba
Absolute darkness has covered the jungle for a long time. Its inhabitants miss the moon and the stars but, above all, the sun. Far from finding their warm source of life, the animals discover devastation and panic in the face of an immense fire that goes unnamed. The story depicts the agony of the Amazon, although it could be any forest in the world.
A lament against the devastating fires that annihilate the forests, in the voice of the creatures that inhabit them.