El mundo raro de Mermel (2020)

Melani Penna Tosso, Mercedes Sánchez Sáinz and Belén de la Rosa Rodríguez

Ana Moyano Cano

Publishing house
Federación de Enseñanza de CCOO, Consejería de Educación, Universidades, Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de Canarias

2020, Spanish

23 x 28


ISBN: 978-84-09-17593-2

Available languages:
  • Spanish
  • Galician
  • Catalan
Available translation:

Catalan: El món rar de Mermel

Galician: O mundo raro de Mermel


With Mermel and the super gang, students and teaching staff will be able to tackle issues of gender, identities, roles, violence, differences, bodies, cultures and different ethnic groups, ways of doing and being in the world, capacities, prevention of violence and situations of bullying among peers and child abuse. It also incorporates elements on sustainable development, ecology, care, criticism of consumption or the capitalist system itself or the development of attitudes of respect, always based on prevention.

El mundo raro de Mermel (our translation: Mermel’s weird world) is a picture book that addresses equality and respect for people and the planet in a holistic and intersectional way. It is an open access book.

It is accompanied by a document with material for teachers and families, El mundo raro de Mermel. Propuestas didácticas para abordar las diversidades en Infantil y Primaria (our translation: Mermel’s weird world. Didactic proposals for dealing with diversity in infant and primary school), and the annex La superpandilla (our translation: The super gang), all of which are also open access.

On this page you can download both the picture book (access to the full text) and all the accompanying material: https://www3.gobiernodecanarias.org/medusa/ecoescuela/educarparalaigualdad/el-mundo-raro-de-mermel/

Available here in Galician: https://www.edu.xunta.gal/portal/es/node/31113

Available here in Catalan: https://www.ccoo.cat/educacio/noticies/presentem-la-campanya-el-mon-estrany-de-mermel-per-a-lluitar-contra-la-lgtbiqfobia/

It was also translated into Basque (Mermelen mundu arraroa), but is no longer available online.
