Che cos’è una sindrome? (2019)

Text Giovanni Colaneri
Illustration Giovanni Colaneri
Original language Italian
Publishing house Uovonero
Edition 2019, Italian
Awards or honours:
MicroPublishing Quality Label Award 2020
Book selected for the catalogue THE WHITE RAVENS 2020 Internationale Jugendbibliothek
Size 20 x 29
Pages 60
ISBN: 9788896918807
Available languages:
- Italian
Available translation:
Syndrome’ is an umbrella term under which many different realities take refuge and, above all, which accommodates the common history of many people, who are often discriminated against.
What is a syndrome? is not a syndromarium, but a book in which syndromes are evoked by images that provide a cue to reflect on the living conditions of those affected by a syndrome and how much this also depends on us.