Black and British: An Illustrated History (2021)

Text Olusoga, David
Illustration Alexander, Jake and Taylor, Melleny
Original language English
Publishing house Macmillan Children's Books
Edition 2021, English
None known
Size 25 x 30
Pages 80
ISBN: 978-1529052954
- English
A stunning visual journey through Black British history for younger readers by historian and broadcaster David Olusoga. The essential starting place for anyone who wants to learn about Black British History. David Olusoga’s thought provoking text charts the forgotten histories of Black people in Britain from Roman times right through to the present day. From Roman Africans guarding Hadrian’s Wall, to an African trumpeter in the court of Henry the Eighth, Black Georgians fighting for the abolition of slavery, Black soldiers fighting for Britain in the First World War, Windrush and right up today. These are the stories that brought us all together in the UK. (7 yrs upwards)