1, 2, 3… ¡Culos! (2019)

Text Annika Leone
Illustration Bettina Johansson
Original language Swedish (Bara rumpor)
Publishing house Gato Sueco
Edition 2019, Spanish
Size 20,5 x 26
Pages 32
Translator Tora Ahlström
ISBN: 978-84-9499-050-2
Available languages:
- Spanish
- Catalan
- Basque
Available translation:
Basque: 1,2,3…¡purdi!
Catalan: 1,2,3.. culs!
It’s Saturday, finally! Mila is going to jump into the biggest pool – by herself! Will she dare? There’s a lot to see on the changing table: naked bodies that are the same, but at the same time they are so different…
1, 2, 3… ¡culos! (our translation: 1, 2, 3… Butts!) is a fun picture book about a day at the pool. It is also a book about our bodies and nudity. A book that encourages us to accept and enjoy our bodies as they are.