Recursos educativos INTEF


It varies according to the selected resource

Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación del Profesorado
Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional

Original language

Available languages:
  • Spanish
Available translation:

This website of Educational Resources of the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación del Profesorado – INTEF (National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training, Spain) contains numerous open access educational materials. The following two are worth highlighting:
1.The EDIA Project (, which promotes and supports innovation and didactic experimentation in the classroom through the development of open educational resources and the formation of networks of teachers and educational centres. The repository can be searched by subject and educational stage.

2. The Educational Resources for Online Learning section (, for various levels of education, including primary education, which offers information and access to different types of resources (teaching itineraries, educational videos, mathematics guides, curricular materials, ConectaTIC, good practices and recommendations, etc.), available for use online. It was launched in March 2020, on the occasion of the crisis caused by COVID-19, and has been growing and enriched over time.

It is a resource that offers a selection of materials available in open access from the link provided.
