Pantallas amigas


Team of the Association for the promotion of the healthy use of Information and Communication Technologies ICTSchool (PantallasAmigas)

Association for the promotion of the healthy use of Information and Communication Technologies ICTSchool (PantallasAmigas)

Original language

Available languages:
  • Spanish
  • English
Available translation:

English: the website is translated into English


Pantallas amigas (our translation: Friendly screens) is an initiative for a safe and healthy use of the Internet, mobile phones and video games by children and teenagers. Its website contains several open access educational materials on aspects such as digital identity, recommendations to reduce the use of mobile phones, a video game on disinformation, and advice on cybersecurity in video games, among many other aspects. By way of example, we would highlight the section with advice for tolerance on the Internet, against hate speech, for the promotion of respect and diversity, which contains a series of animated videos and infographics-posters:

It is an online portal offering information and resources available in open access from the link provided.
