L’àlbum a la Biblioteca: una selecció de llibres àlbum per a biblioteques (2022)
Oblit Baseiria Virgili
Institutions Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya
Biblioteques Públiques de Catalunya
Biblioteques de Barcelona
Pages 48
Original language Catalan
- Catalan
L’àlbum a la Biblioteca: una selecció de llibres àlbum per a biblioteques (The picture book to the Library: a selection of picture books for libraries) is both a selection of picture books and a guide for future selections.
What criteria should we take into account when choosing books for the library? What are the best picture books for the library? What should a book have in order to be a good book or picture book for children or young people? These are difficult questions to answer. There are no single, absolute answers. In this guide, Oblit Baseiria draws on her years of work as a publisher and bookseller and on her experiences with children, exchanges of ideas and discussions with authors, publishers, translators, librarians and teachers to come up with this selection, in which she recommends important aspects that should be taken into account when choosing picture books for a library that works together with surrounding schools.
This resource is available in open access at the link provided.