Joy of Reading Handbook (2015)


Kaisa Ikonen, Kaisu Innanen, Siinamari Tikkinen

University of Oulu
Awards or honours:

Onnimanni 2015

The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, University of Oulu


Original language

Available languages:
  • Finnish
  • English
Available translation:

English, Swedish


The Joy of Reading Handbook is a collection of ways to improve reading motivation and multiliteracy through collaboration between schools and libraries. The handbook is aimed at teachers, school heads, library professionals, directors of libraries and the heads of educational and cultural services and it includes tested practices for increasing reading motivation and multiliteracy and promoting collaboration between schools and libraries. Joy of Reading is a project for children and young people aged 6-16, their parents, teachers and library professionals. It aims to promote a wide range of literacy and leisure reading activities, for example in terms of inclusion and active citizenship. In particular, equal opportunities in literacy are an integral part of the project.
