Il Dizionario dell’Internet dei ragazzi

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano: OssCom (Research Center on Media and Communication) and CREMIT (Research Center on Media Education for Innovation and Technology)

Lingua originale

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The Dizionario dell’Internet dei ragazzi (Kids’ Internet Dictionary) is a podcast project created by OssCom (Research Center on Media and Communication) and CREMIT (Research Center on Media Education for Innovation and Technology) for Radio Marconi .
Pedagogists, sociologists, psychologists and jurists explain in 21 episodes the keywords relating to the most significant themes and phenomena that children can encounter on the internet. Podcasts help recognizing and interpreting risks and opportunities related to the use of social networks and webside portals .
Among the words in the Dictionary we find : hate speech, digital educational poverty , FoMO (Fear Of Missing Out), fake news, digital rights , etc.
