iBbY – International board on books for young people – Italy

Università di Bologna
Associazione Italiana Biblioteche
Associazione Italiana Editori
Biblioteca Sala Borsa ragazzi - Bologna
Cooperativa Giannino Stoppani
Bologna Children Book Fair
Hamelin Associazione Culturale

Original language


Creative Commons-BY-NC-ND

Available languages:
  • Italian
Available translation:

IBBY, International Board on Books for Young people, is an international non-profit organization, founded in 1953 by Jella Lepman, with the aim of facilitating the meeting between books, children, boys and girls. The national section is IBBY Italia. It is responsible for selecting quality books and bibliographies at national and international level, to support projects on social inclusion, which favor the learning of children and young people, respecting their potential, their free access to knowledge, their full participation in the social life and multiculturalism; also through the use of digital technologies
