Guía de literatura infantil e xuvenil para a igualdade II (2020)


Pilar Sampedro Martínez (Coord.)
Leonor Mazaira Garro
Mª Isabel Serantes Gómez
Mª Dolores Tobío Iglesias
María Canosa Blanco

Xunta de Galicia
Consellería de Emprego e Igualdade
Secretaría Xeral de Igualdade

Xunta de Galicia
Consellería de Emprego e Igualdade
Secretaría Xeral de Igualdade


Original language

Available languages:
  • Galician
Available translation:

This Guía de Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil para Igualdade (Guide of Children’s Literature for Equality) not only selects the most appropriate books for students, but also facilitates the work of teachers and families through a series of documentation linked to each of the books that are included: a bibliographic sheet, summary of the plot, co-educational and non-discriminatory axes that show the themes related to equality, specific work proposals designed in relation to the previous section and that try to encourage reflection on gender roles and stereotypes, respect for difference, the situation in specific historical moments, the importance of certain women in history and other topics that are included.

It is an open access resource available at the link provided.
