Effective Search Strategies (2022)

Belgrade City Library
Hacettepe University
National Library of Latvia
UPI Zalec
Hacettepe University,
Institutions Belgrade City Library
Hacettepe University
National Library of Latvia
UPI Zalec
Original language English
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
- Turkish
- English
Turkish: Etkili Arama Stratejileri Serbian: Ефикасне стратегије претраживања Latvian: Efektīvas Meklēšanas Stratēģijas Slovenian: Učinkovite Strategije Iskanja
ESSENTIAL, an Erasmus+ KA2 project focusing on news literacy and critical thinking, has developed a MOOC module on effective search strategies. The main objective of this module is to explain the search functions and operators needed to create an effective search strategy. This module discusses Boolean logic, controlled vocabularies, field searching, proximity searching, truncation, wildcard characters, limiting searches, and guidelines for teaching the topic.