DIGITAL LAB – ABF per l’innovazione didattica

Andrea Bocelli Foundation (ABF)

Original language

Available languages:
  • Italian
Available translation:

English: DIGITAL LAB - ABF per l’innovazione didattica


DIGITAL LAB is a project by ABF (Andrea Bocelli Foundation) which focuses on teaching children digital skills. In particular the project is addressed to the schools present in some important italian pediatric hospitals among which: Ospedale Pediatrico Istituto Giannina Gaslini of Genoa, Ospedale Salesi of Ancona and Ospedale Pediatrico Meyer of Florence.
The project:
provide the ABF TeachBus: libraries of devices (notebooks and tablets) capable of guaranteeing that the children involved are able to maintain their relationships with their schoolmates, teachers and atelieristas;
offer the ABF Online-Labs platform: an online platform for ABF Labs that will provide access to a vast selection of educational content;
Integrate, train and coordinate the digital atelierista: a 4.0 librarian specializing in the use of new educational technologies who, collaborating with the ABF working group, will promote new and transversal perspectives on the use of technological tools for children, thereby supporting teachers and families on how to best use these devices.
