7 attività per migliorare le competenzedigitali dei bambini

Save the Children
Fondazione Agnelli

Original language

Available languages:
  • Italian
Available translation:

The Arcipelago educativo (educational archipelago) portal proposes, within a schedule rich in resources, digital information activities to teach children to learn more about the web and, in particular, recognize fake news, learn to use text creation programs and navigate social networks. Of particular interest are the following activities:
– Detective per un giorno (Detective for a day ):children analyze, with investigative techniques, social profiles and describe the identity of their contacts;
– Il check in delle informazioni (Check in information ): the activity gets the children to think about the questions that need to be asked before posting and sharing content content on social media ;
– Super Errori (Super Errors)- a mini-series of 6 episodes to defeat the SuperErrors of the Web. Through animations, children discover the risks and opportunities of the Web
