Why Am I Here? (2017)

Text Constance Orbeck-Nilssen
Illustration Akın Düzakın
Original language Norwegian (Hvorfor er jeg her?)
Publishing house Abm Publishing
Edition 2017, Turkish
Special Mention of the Jury, Bologna Ragazzi Award, 2015
Size 27x19
Pages 32
Translator Akın Düzakın
ISBN: 9786055171919
- Turkish
- English
English: Why Am I Here?
A child trying to understand the world stands on a rock with a binocular in hand, imagining what it would be like to live in a bustling city or a desert. They ponder the life of a refugee who has experienced war, the children toiling under harsh conditions, and the people ravaged by the fury of nature. Is living somewhere else harder than they imagined? «Why Am I Here?» invites readers to empathize with people living in different regions and circumstances around the world, while also providing a new perspective on our own lives.