Virginia Wolf. La bambina con il lupo dentro (2012)
Text Kyo MacLear
Illustration Isabelle Arsenault
Original language French (Virginia Wolf)
Publishing house Rizzoli
Edition 2014, Italian
Size 22 x 28,6
Pages 32
Translator Beatrice Masini
ISBN: 9788817071932
Available languages:
- Spanish
- Italian
- English
Available translation:
Spanish: Virginia Wolf
English: Virginia Wolf
Virginia is turning into a wolf: she makes wild noises, growls and chases everyone away. The only thing she really wants is to hide under the covers. Her sister Vanessa doesn’t really know how to help her until one day she gets an idea and starts to draw on the wall of her room a meadow full of flowers, animals, a ladder to climb up to the window and a bush in the shape of an elephant. And from that moment everything changes …