Una casa a medida (2003)
Text Daniela Kulot
Illustration Daniela Kulot
Original language German (Das kleine Krokodil und die grosse Liebe)
Publishing house Kalandraka
Edition 2007, Spanish
Awards or honours:
National Reading Plan (PNL Portugal)
Size 23 x 30
Pages 32
Translator Marc Taeger y Chema Heras
ISBN: 978-84-8464-469-9
Available languages:
- Spanish
- Galician
- Basque
Available translation:
Basque: Krokodilo txikia, Jirafa altua eta neurri kontuak
Galician: Unha casa a medida
Una casa a medida (our translation: A tailor-made house) tells the story of Crocodile and Giraffe. They love each other very much. And they want a house where they can live together, but as she is so tall and he is so short, it is not easy to find one.
The solution: design one to suit them… together.