The Truth Detective: How to Make Sense of a World That Doesn’t Add Up (2023)
Text Harford, Tim
Illustration Mann, Ollie
Original language English
Publishing house Wren & Rook
Edition 2023 English
Awards or honours:
None known
Size 15 x 21
Pages 192
ISBN: 978-1526364579
Available languages:
- English
Available translation:
The world is often full of bamboozling headlines and numbers that don’t add up. But no need for panic. The book will turn readers into truth detectives, hunting down the truth about the world around them. Readers meet heroic truth detectives, such as Florence Nightingale who started a revolution with a pie chart. They will encounter dastardly villains who have tried to trip us up with dodgy data and misinformation. And they will learn how being smart and savvy with numbers, will help to be smart and savvy about everything else in life too. (9-12 yrs)