The Knights of Freedom (2022)
Text Κonstantina Armeniakou
Illustration Despina Manolarou
Original language Greek
Publishing house Metaichmio
Edition 2022, Greek
Size 24x29
Pages 48
ISBN: 978-618-03-2752-6
Available languages:
- Greek
Available translation:
Greece’s national poet Dionysios Solomos and the composer Nikolaos Chalikiopoulos-Mantzaros meet in Corfu and Zante in the 19th century and talk about freedom, creativity, common visions. Solomos wrote the “Hymne to Liberty” and Mantzaros’ composition is the national anthem of Greece. This is a story of two friends, a story about freedom, democracy, hope, creativity, friendship, and the Greek Revolution of 1821.