The Arrival (2007)

Text Tan, Sean
Illustration Tan, Sean
Original language English
Publishing house Hodder Children's Books
Edition 2007 English
Nr. 35 in The Times 100 Best Books of all time
Size 24 x 32
Pages 128
ISBN: 978-0340969939
- English
What drives so many to leave everything behind and journey alone to a mysterious country, a place without family or friends, where everything is nameless and the future is unknown? In this wordless graphic novel, a man leaves his homeland and sets off for a new country, where he must build a new life for himself and his family. The book is the story of every migrant, every refugee, every displaced person, and a tribute to all those who have made the journey. The Arrival has become one of the most critically acclaimed books of recent years, a wordless masterpiece that describes a world beyond any familiar time or place. (yrs 6-11)