Terraneo (2017)
Text Marino Amodio
Illustration Vincenzo del Vecchio
Original language Spanish
Publishing house Gallucci
Edition 2018, Italian
Awards or honours:
VI Edition of the Internacional Álbum Ilustrado Edelvives Award (2017)
Size 24.5 x 29.5 cm
Pages 52
ISBN: 9788836245604
Available languages:
- Spanish
- Italian
Available translation:
Spanish: Terráneo
Terraneo tells and depicts the story of the Mediterranean Sea starting from that of the people who live on its coasts, whose desires, determination and fears, are in constant struggle with that sea that seduces and limits. However, the perspective is reversed: the sea becomes land, a land that unites rather than divide. An intercultural story that breaks down the stereotypes and questions univocal visions.