Ramiro el boxeador (2018)
Text Lirios Bou
Illustration Lirios Bou
Publishing house Andana
Edition 2018, Spanish
Size 24 x 25
Pages 40
ISBN: 978-84-1749-705-7
- Spanish
- Catalan
Catalan: Ramir el boxejador
Ramiro el boxeador (our translation: Ramiro the boxer) is the story of Ramiro, son of Tigre de Benicolleja, grandson of Flaca Pegona, great-grandson of Puño Veloz and great-great-grandson of the best boxers of all time. He trains very hard so that he can hang his portrait on the Wall of Champions and see that the family is proud of him. But there is a small problem: Ramiro doesn’t want to hit anyone.
It would be interesting, when approaching this text in the classroom, to address the racism implicit in using other cultures as disguises (e.g. dressing up as an “Indian”) by reflecting, for example, about how we don’t dress up as a white person because it is not an idea we have stereotyped.