Pohdiskellaan periytymistä (2020)

Text Sanna Kalmari, Ulla Parisaari & others
Illustration Ilona Partanen
Original language Finnish
Publishing house Harvinaiskeskus Noria
Edition 2020
Size 24 x 27 cm
Pages 27
ISBN: 978-952-7059-31-9
Available languages:
- Finnish
Available translation:
The book covers the most common modes of inheritance and rare diseases. The themes of the book are peer relationships, siblingship, diseases that are visible or invisible in different ways, and the emotions they evoke. The book is suitable for children of all ages and especially for those who are interested in the subject. The book has been written by a team of experts at the Rare Diseases and Hereditary Diseases Centre of the Association for the Support of People with Developmental Disabilities Norio.