Orecchie di farfalla (2008)
Text Luisa Aguilar
Illustration André Neves
Original language Spanish (Orelles de papallona)
Publishing house Kalandraka
Edition 2008, Italian
Finalist of the IV Premio Nazionale Città di Bella 2008 (Italy)
Size 22 x 22
Pages 32
Translator Marina Sanfilippo
ISBN: 978-88-95933-01-6
- Spanish
- Italian
Spanish: Orelles de papallona
English: Butterfly ears
Having floppy ears, unruly hair, being too tall or too short, too thin or too plump… Every peculiarity, however slight, can become a pretext for ridiculing other children. This is what happens to Mara who, in order to assert her own identity, learns to see the positive side in what others see as cause for mockery.
Changing one’s own point of view also enables others to have a different look at people and things.