Old Macdonald Had a Phone (2022)
Text Willis, Jeanne
Illustration Ross, Tony
Original language English
Publishing house Andersen Press
Edition 2022 English
Awards or honours:
None known
Size 27 X 23
Pages 32
ISBN: 978-1783449538
Available languages:
- English
Available translation:
Sing along to the tune of Old Macdonald had a Farm, and learn to put down your phone in this hilarious cautionary tale for a new generation of phone-users. Old Macdonald loves his phone: it helps him organise his farm. But when the animals each get one of their own, they are soon on their phones all day – «Here a tweet, there a chat, WhatsApping the farm cat» – and before they know it, no work is getting done! What can Old Macdonald do? One of a series of four books on online safety by Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross published by Andersen Press. (3-8 yrs)