Niños (2019)
Text María José Ferrada
Illustration María José Ferrada
Original language Spanish
Publishing house Edicola
Edition 2021, Italian
Awards or honours:
Special Mentions Bononia Children’s Book Fair for Poetry, 2021
Poetry Colibrí Ibby Chile, 2021
Size 16 x 23 cm
Pages 78
Translator Giulia Giorgini
ISBN: 9788899538613
Available languages:
- Spanish
- Italian
- English
Available translation:
English: Niños. Poems for the lost children of Chile
Italian: Niños
Niños is a collection of poems and illustrations dedicated to thirty-four children killed during Pinochet’s dictatorial regime. It is not a history book, but a book that stems from history and wants to keep the memory alive. Thirty-four portraits with a poem and illustrations for each name that appears on the pages and that remembers each desaparecido child.