My Dog Turns Out To Be Racist (2017)
Text Audren
Illustration Clément Oubrerie
Original language French (Mon chien est raciste)
Publishing house Redhouse Kidz
Edition 2017, Turkish
Size 13.5 x 19.5
Pages 80
Translator Ece Nahum
ISBN: 9786059781879
- Turkish
Mael and the little dog he found in the apartment, named Mırnav, had quickly formed a bond. However, Mırnav was behaving strangely at times: growling at certain people, feeling uncomfortable around them, and attempting to attack them. One day, Mael understood the issue: Mırnav was racist! Could Mael accept such a thing? Could Mırnav be cured? French writer Audren opens up a discussion on racism through the behavior of a dog that treats people differently based on their skin colors, presenting a surprising topic and a dynamic storyline.