Mennään jo naapuriin (2017)

Text Riina Katajavuori
Illustration Salla Savolainen
Original language Finnish
Publishing house Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi
Edition 2017
Punni-literature award 2018
Runeberg Junior nomination 2018
Yle Books of Finland series, book of the anniversary year 2017
Size 27 cm
Pages 44
ISBN: 9789513196615
- Finnish
This picture book is an independent sequel to Katajavuori’s «Let’s go home already», in which 8-year-old Vennamo visits different homes in their apartment building. We meet diverse families where, in addition to Finnish, people speak languages such as Latvian, Italian, Arabic and Amharic. The book explores these families, their customs, celebrations, and leisure activities. The book shows how Finnish families have a wide range of traditions, languages, and cultures, which will help the reader to better understand the world.
Katajavuori and illustrator Salla Savolainen developed a functional illustration exhibition tour 2017-2019 based on the book.