Meidän piti lähteä (2018)

Text Sanna Pelliccioni
Illustration Sanna Pelliccioni
Original language Finnish
Publishing house Kustantamo S&S
Edition 2018
Awards or honours:
Punni literature award, Honorable mention, Finnish Institute for Children's Literature, 2019
Size 19 x 25
Pages 40
ISBN: 978-951-52-4305-8
Available languages:
- Finnish
Available translation:
This wordless book tells the story of a family forced to flee war. After a long journey, the family gets a new home. The book’s stunning images, in vibrant colours, leave room for interpretation. The strenght of this wordless book is that the immigrant child does not feel excluded by the foreign text, but can read the book on an equal footing with everyone else, and anyone can experience what it is like to leave home.