L’isola (2002)

Text Armin Greder
Illustration Armin Greder
Original language German (Die Insel)
Publishing house Orecchio Acerbo
Edition 2007, Italian
Gold medal at the 2003 Bratislava Biennial;
Katholischer Kinder-und Jugendbuchpreis 2003;
Prix Octogones 2005.
Size 22 x 31,5
Pages 32
Translator Alessandro Baricco
ISBN: 9788889025536
- Spanish
- Italian
- English
Spanish: La isla
English: The Island
The picture book The Island recounts the landing of a foreigner and the subsequent xenophobic reaction of the island’s inhabitants. The foreigner is frightening, and for this reason he is humiliated, depersonalised, locked up.
It is a loud and shrill cry against intolerance. A parable on the daily scandal of indifference. A pickaxe against the wall of callousness and the dullest of selfishness.
A book for all those who prefer bridges to walls.