Las princesas más valientes (2018)

Text Dolores Brown
Illustration Sonja Wimmer
Original language English (The Truly Brave Princesses)
Publishing house NubeOcho
Edition 2018, Spanish
Kirkus Star Review
Size 26 x 30
Pages 44
Translator Salvador Figueirido
ISBN: 978-84-1712-3376
- Spanish
- English
Princess Nin is a firefighter, Princess Zoe is an astronaut; Princess Cristina has an eye patch but plays football like nobody else does; Princess Manuela is retired; Princess Liang is in a wheelchair and she is a translator. These princesses are young girls, adults and old ladies. In this picture book you will meet a divorced princess, a single mother, a widow… The bravest princesses believe in equality.
This story allows us to revise the term “princess” to reflect on the patriarchal and elitist hue that usually accompanies it.