La bambina di vetro (2002)
Text Betrice Alemagna
Illustration Betrice Alemagna
Original language French (Gisèle de verre, 2002)
Publishing house Topipittori
Edition 2019, Italian
Selected by the NY Times & NY City Library among the ten best children's books (U.S.A.), 2019
Selected for Baobab Prize of Salon de Montreuil - France 2002
Size 21.5 x 1 x 26.2
Pages 32
ISBN: 978-88-337-0036-6
- Spanish
- Italian
- English
Spanish: Gisela de cristal
English: Child of Glass
Gisèle, the protagonist of this picture book, is so transparent that everyone can see her thoughts, moods and emotions. First considered a ‘phenomenon’ to be known, then marginalised, Gisèle is forced to wander the world in search of a home.
The Glass Girl, writes the author, is not ‘about how powerful the truth is, but about self-confidence and courage’. Qualities that no one should ever lose.