In una notte di temporale (1994)
Text Yuichi Kimura
Illustration Simona Mulazzani
Original language Japanese (Arashi no yoruni)
Publishing house Salani
Edition 2013, Italian
Size 18.5 x 12,5
Pages 64
Translator Paolo Volpato
ISBN: 9788867154456
Available languages:
- Spanish
- Italian
- English
Available translation:
Spanish: En una noche de tormenta
English: One stormy night
On a stormy night, a wolf and a small goat take refuge in an abandoned hut at the foot of a hill. The storm is raging, the rain is pouring down and in the hut the darkness is total. Neither of them is aware of the appearance and nature of the person in front of them.
A delicate and profound parable about diversity and friendship.