I Walk with Vanessa: A Story about a Simple Act of Kindness (2018)
Illustration Kerascoët
Original language French (Je marche avec Vanessa: le récit tout simple d'une bonne action)
Publishing house Redhouse Kidz
Edition 2018, Turkish
Size 28
Pages 36
ISBN: 9786052079355
Available languages:
- Spanish
- Italian
- Turkish
- English
Available translation:
It is a silent book that provokes a conversation about racism. The story begins with a Black girl named Vanessa moving into her new home with her family. When she walks home from school on her very first day, a white boy starts yelling and pointing at her. Another girl who witnesses this act comes up with a brilliant plan that is sure to help Vanessa. Kerascoët is the pseudonym of the illustrators Marie Pommepuy and Sébastien Cosset.